St. Peter's Abbey: Our Community
St. Peter's Abbey East Entrance

Ora Et Labora

We follow the monastic rule of St. Benedict.

He wrote a rule for Christian life known for its balance and moderation.

This life provides a balance between prayer, work and study.

    Traditionally the monastic life has stressed the primacy of the worship of God. The monastic community gathers four times a day for monastic prayer. The first prayer begins at 6:20 a.m. with Lauds and the last prayer begins at 7:30 in the evening with Vigils.
The daily schedule of the monastery is:
6:00 Rising
6:20 Lauds chanted
7:00 Mass, breakfast and lectio divina
9:00 Morning work
12:00 Noon prayer and dinner
1:15 Afternoon work
5:35 Vespers chanted
6:00 Supper and recreation
7:30 Vigils and quiet time
Sunday Mass is at 10:00.